International marriages and related migrations have long been a strong factor in the economic growth and prosperity of the USA. Marriages between non-citizens of US can occur between two individuals who come from different countries, or one individual who comes from one country and marries a citizen of the United States. This type of marriage has the potential to bring a wide range of benefits to the US economy.
Foreign marriages often bring a valuable cultural and economic element into the United States. Not only can international marriages boost the number of jobs and workers in a community, but they can also contribute to new and innovative forms of business opportunities. This can create new jobs and increase the overall quality of the American economy.
For individuals, foreign marriages can also result in a variety of positive outcomes. International couples may find that their ability to move and live in different countries that provide greater economic opportunities can benefit their families. In addition, these marriages can often help to ensure access to housing, education and similar services that individuals often find difficult to access without a spousal connection. All of these factors represent a direct boost to the nation’s economic strength.
How International Marriage Affects the US Economy
The effect of international marriage on the US economy is multifaceted, with impacts ranging from the benefits of family reunification and an increase in safety net programs, to increased global trade and technology transfer.
Family Reunification
The reunification of families can provide a boost to the economy in multiple ways. For one, it can lead to an increase in population, which can have an associated increase in economic activity. Additionally, it can help reduce the cost of family health care and create educational opportunities for spouses of US citizens.

Immigrants who have migrated to the United States have helped their families back home by sending money back through remittances. According to the World Bank, US immigrants sent more than $45 billion in remittances to their home countries in 2018, a 6% increase from the year before. This money can be a valuable source of revenue for families and help reduce poverty.
Increased Global Trade
International marriages can lead to an increase in cultural exchange and global trade, which can have a positive impact on the economy. For example, US citizens married to immigrants from countries with free trade agreements with the US can play a key role in trade by providing information and contacts for businesses. This could lead to an increase in foreign investment, which would result in an increase in economic growth and job creation.
In addition, an increase in cultural exchange could also help spur innovation and technological advancement by bringing together different ideas from different countries. This could lead to the creation of new products and services.
Increased Safety Net Programs
Immigrants who have married US citizens can be eligible for safety net programs such as Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. These programs can help provide access to healthcare and other services that can help reduce poverty and inequality, leading to an overall increased quality of life.

International Marriage and Its Positive Impact on USA Economy
International marriage, especially when uniting two individuals from two different countries, is a complicated endeavor. Every marriage involves legal, linguistic, and cultural issues, but these increase tenfold when two individuals from two different countries look to unite in holy matrimony (Often abbreviated to “iM&M”).
It has been widely reported that iM&M has significantly contributed to improved USA economic prospects, with the US Department of Commerce recently commenting on the economic impact of international marriage. The Department concluded that international marriage boosts USA economic output, providing a needed boost in the USA internal gross domestic product. This growth in economic output has been felt across several USA-based industries, including hospitality, retail, and tourism.
International marriage can push USA innovation forward, as both parties bring different skillsets from their respective home countries. USA citizens that engage in international marriage are exposed to different cultures, different values, and different ways of thinking. In turn, they are able to bring these insights back into the USA and use their knowledge to innovate or improve upon existing designs and technologies.
Another positive effect of international marriage on the USA economy is the opportunity to access foreign markets. USA citizens engaging in international marriage are exposed to a previously untapped foreign market, allowing the USA to develop an economic presence in a foreign country. This presence can then be leveraged to enter the foreign market by capitalize on the opportunity to import foreign goods and services back to the USA.
How International Marriage Can Help the USA Economy
International marriage can help to diversify the American economy. By bringing in new perspectives from people who are from different cultures, new ideas can be generated, which in turn can create new products and services that can boost the economy. This could also lead to new investment opportunities, as investors and businesses can benefit from these new opportunities.
International marriage can also provide stability to the American economy. As cultures and countries come together, their economies become more intertwined. This means that in the event of a downturn in one economy, another can help to buffer it. This prevents a full-scale collapse and can help to ensure the overall health of the American economy.
As countries become more intertwined, the resources that are available to each other increase. This can result in increased economic activity as the resources from one country are utilized in another. This can create new jobs and can help to lift the economic fortunes of both countries.
Also help to strengthen the relationship between countries. By bringing people together from different cultural backgrounds, understanding and mutual respect can be fostered. This can open up opportunities for trade and investment between the two countries, which helps to ensure that both countries are closely intertwined economically.